Beryl in Worcester

World Mental Health Day: Why Cycling Matters

World Mental Health Day: Why Cycling Matters

World Mental Health Day is a global initiative aimed at raising awareness about mental health issues and promoting mental well-being. 


For this important day, we caught up with Worcester rider and Life Coach Adam Claxton. We spoke to Adam to find out about his feelings on fitness, adopting a positive mindset and the important relationship between the two. 

Adam's story


Currently in the U.K 1 in 4 people will experience a mental health condition, this figure is set to increase as the pandemic has left thousands of people struggling to cope with the pressure of everyday life. Waiting times for referrals are at an all time high and we must do more to help ourselves. 


Our wellbeing is so important, lets think of it as something that we might not want to work on but something that we must work on. I figured this out the hard way 10 years ago when I was depressed and did not know what direction my life was heading. I was lost of purpose, going through challenges mentally, emotionally and felt disconnected from myself. 


I realised that although being fit, physically, there were other elements of my wellbeing that were completely broken. I worked on myself and pursued the things that made me happy. Most importantly, I learnt how to master my thoughts. Our thoughts create feelings, our feelings create habits, these habits create actions and our actions produce results. 


The turning point


This changed everything. I understood that I was in control of my thoughts and my thoughts were not in control of me. I was able to make decisions and realised that life boils down to choice that we have the power of making. My mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual health are something that I work on every single day. In doing so, I can pay close attention to how I feel and what to do when I feel a wave of anxiety or depression moving in to control my thoughts. 

Beryl bike

"As a child I always loved to exercise, and I rode my bike everywhere!"

Cycling made me feel like a child again. As a child I always loved to exercise, and I rode my bike everywhere! Earlier this year whilst walking back home after dropping my car off I had my first encounter with Beryl. After downloading the app and following the easy instructions I was on my way and all those memories of being a young version of me came flooding back. 


Getting started is key


The freedom it gave me, the smiles and happiness I had whilst turning an hour walk into a 20-minute bike ride was a reminder of how good cycling was. Since then, I have been a frequent user of Beryl and have even set up a page bringing light-hearted humour to a world that needs a positive lift. You don’t have to be great to get started, but you have to start to be great.

Unlocking Beryl

"No experience is needed to get on a bike, age does not defy you and a great tip for beginners is to ride to the next Beryl bay and build your endurance from there."

No experience is needed to get on a bike, age does not defy you and a great tip for beginners is to ride to the next Beryl bay and build your endurance from there. But please purchase a helmet and necessary safety gear to protect yourself even more. 


You will feel the benefits of exercise almost immediately as the endorphins, adrenaline, and happy hormones rush through your body. You will feel the body and mind connection as you start to think and feel more positive about yourself. Changing your habits can quite literally change your life!


Adopting the right mindset 


Your mindset is the most powerful weapon that you possess. I turned my passion of fitness and mindset into my purpose and help people all over the world through coaching and supporting others to become better versions of themselves. They say that your mindset is 95% of it and I could not agree anymore.

Riding with Beryl

Facing adversity 


On the 1st of September 2024 I was diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukaemia and as I type this, I have just finished round one of intensive chemotherapy. Our world turned upside down in a flash, an overload of thoughts, worry, concern, anxiety, and I felt every emotion run through me. 


What separated me was my mindset and positive outlook on life. I was able to allow, acknowledge and accept the chapter that I am currently still going through. I believe that my mindset, having spent 10 years working on my mental health have been the difference. I have recovered ahead of schedule and will continue with the focus and energy as I prepare for future rounds of chemotherapy and treatments.


Looking ahead


Whilst I was in hospital, I was frequently using an exercise bike to keep my body moving, helping me to feel good and using exercise as a tool to keep my mind focused. I had days that I was tired but still found the mental strength to do it as I knew the benefits were going to lift my spirits. 


If you are suffering right now just know that help and support is out there, you are never alone and there are better days to come. The hardest thing to do is admit that you need help, but you must want that change to come. When I was in my darkest of times, I looked inside and found the light was within me. 

A big thank you to Adam for sharing his own experience and thoughts for World Mental Health Day. 


Adam Claxton is an Educator, Life Coach and Small Business Owner at Claxton Coaching, helping others to grow their mindset, reach life goals and improve their lives. 


Follow and support Adam's journey on Facebook and Instagram

Feeling inspired?


We hope that you take a moment to do something for yourself for World Mental Health Day, on two wheels or not!


For further information and tips on getting started, you can read this short guide: Getting Started with Beryl or download the Beryl app below. 

App, tap and roll

Start riding with our free app for iOS and Android