Beryl e-cargo bike hire in Westminster

Beryl partners with Better Transport Week

UK-based shared sustainable transport provider, Beryl, will celebrate Better Transport Week by offering riders a special discount from Monday.


Users can claim 10% off all Minute Bundles between Monday 12 and Sunday 18 June to coincide with the seven day celebration of sustainable transport.*

Organised by leading transport charity Campaign for Better Transport, to highlight good practice and promote the wide range of benefits of active travel and encourage more people to travel sustainably.

Beryl CEO and cofounder, Phil Ellis, said: “As an organisation that encourages more people to take up sustainable transport options, we’re delighted to be partnering with this initiative.

“Swapping the car for sustainable transport not only helps you to contribute towards reducing traffic congestion and improving air quality, it’s also fun and can save you money on petrol, tax, insurance, maintenance, MOT and storage. 

“It’s also a great way for businesses of any size and scope to reduce their carbon footprint and boost employee health and wellbeing, so why not get in touch and see how we can help you operate in a cleaner, greener way?”

Better Transport Week will feature a different transport theme each day with events, promotions and actions taking place throughout the week. 

As part of the Business Day on Friday 16 June, the charity will be visiting Beryl’s bike, e-bike and e-scooter scheme in Norwich and e-cargo bike scheme in Westminster. The visit will be used to highlight the work being done by Beryl in partnership with local businesses to help them operate more sustainably. 

At Norfolk County Council for example, 10% of their total staff currently use Beryl vehicles to commute and more than half of those journeys would have been taken using a car, van, taxi or motorbike. 

Other themes running throughout the week include:

  • Wednesday 14 June - Local Transport Day. Celebrating the transport we use day in day out with a transport roundtable in Manchester and a 'Ride to Rail' social media challenge.
  • Thursday 15 June – Health Day. Highlighting the health impacts of transport on National Clean Air Day.
  • Saturday 17 and Sunday 18 June. Rounding off the week with two days of promotions that aim to celebrate public transport, walking and cycling.

This year is the charity’s 50th year of campaigning for all communities to have access to high quality, sustainable transport that meets their needs, improves quality of life and protects the environment.

For more information, visit or

*Discount code can be found in the app and is limited to one per user


“It’s also a great way for businesses of any size and scope to reduce their carbon footprint and boost employee health and wellbeing, so why not get in touch and see how we can help you operate in a cleaner, greener way?”

Beryl CEO and cofounder, Phil Ellis